wq is a modular, open source framework for building custom offline-capable mobile-friendly web apps for citizen science, crowdsourcing, and volunteered geographic information.
wq is open source and extends a number of existing open source web frameworks, including Django REST Framework, jQuery Mobile, and Leaflet.
Note: This is the documentation for the legacy @wq/jquery-mobile renderer, available in wq 1.3 and all earlier versions.
Visit wq.io to view docs for the new @wq/material renderer introduced in wq 1.3.
A JavaScript+Python library for building robust offline-capable HTML5 data entry apps.
Based on RequireJS, jQuery Mobile, Leaflet, d3, and Mustache.
Django database models and REST framework to support design patterns common to data collection systems.
Based on Django and the Django Rest Framework.
© 2013-2019 by S. Andrew Sheppard