

wq version: 1.1 1.2/1.3
Docs > wq.app: Modules



wq/outbox.js is a wq.app module providing a locally cached "outbox" of unsynced form entries for submission to a web service. wq/outbox.js integrates well with wq/model.js, which provides a lightweight model layer for client-side rendering. However, unlike other similar libraries, wq/model.js does not attempt to immediately and transparently transmit local changes to model data back to the server. This is by design: wq/outbox.js is meant to be used in offline-capable mobile applications that require explicit control over when and how local changes are "synced" to the server.

That said, it is possible to configure wq/app.js to automatically sync() the outbox periodically, thus providing a relatively seamless online/offline experience. Since changes to data will not be reflected in the stored models until the outbox is successfully synced, it is common to display the contents of the outbox at the top of model list views and/or in a separate screen.

wq/outbox.js can be used to store photos and other files submitted with a form. The files will be stored as Blobs in offline storage until the outbox is synced. See the wq/photos.js documentation for more information about this feature.


wq/outbox.js is typically imported via AMD as outbox, though any local variable name can be used.

// myapp.js
define(['wq/outbox', ...], function(outbox, ...) {

The outbox module object is a singleton instance of an internal _Outbox "class". The class provides the following methods and properties. The main outbox object contains an additional method, outbox.getOutbox(store), which can be used to create and/or retrieve other _Outbox instances. Each outbox should be bound to the corresponding wq/store.js instance it will use for managing data. The main outbox is pre-bound to the main store instance and should be suitable as-is for most use cases.

Outbox Item

The outbox uses a wq/model.js instance (available as outbox.model) to manage the queue of items waiting to be sent to the server. Each item in the outbox model has one or more the following properties:

name purpose
id The local unique identifier for the outbox item.
data The form key-value pairs as passed to outbox.save()
options Additional parameters that configure how the data should be sent to the server, and potentially how the response should be interpreted. (see outbox.save())
synced Whether the outbox item has been successfully saved to the server. This property is defined in the applyResult function (see outbox.init()).
error If applicable, the error returned from the server or from the AJAX call when attempting to save the item. Will be either a string or a JSON object.
newid The server-generated identifier for the newly synced item, if applicable. (This property is technically defined by wq/app.js, not wq/outbox.js.)



outbox.init() configures the outbox with the necessary information to communicate with a web service. The outbox will automatically re-use the service, formatKeyword, defaults, and debug parameters provided to wq/store.js. The list of outbox-specific options is described below:

name purpose
syncMethod Default HTTP method to use for sending data to the server. The "default" default is POST. This can be overridden on a per-form basis by setting the method option.
cleanOutbox Whether to clean up synced outbox items whenever the application starts (default true).
maxRetries The maximum number of times to attempt sending an outbox item before giving up. The default is 3. Used by outbox.sendAll() and wq/app.js' app.sync().
csrftokenField The form field name to use when submitting the CSRF token. Note that the token will be set when the form is actually uploaded to the server (and may override the csrf token that was initially submitted to the outbox). The default field name is csrfmiddlewaretoken since that's what Django calls it.
validate(data, item) Defines a callback that ensures data is valid before saving it to the outbox. The default implementation always returns true
applyResult(item, result) Defines a callback that takes a outbox item and a web service result and determines whether the result from the web service indicates a successful sync. If the result was successful, the applyResult callback should mark item.synced = true. The default implementation assumes any non-empty result means the sync was successful.
updateModels(item, result) Defines a callback that takes a synced outbox item and a web service result, and updates any local models with the new data. The default implementation will automatically update the appropriate models as long as modelConf property is set during outbox.save() (see below).
batchService An alternate URL to use when submitting multiple requests as a batch (see sendBatch() below)
parseBatchResult(result) A callback to use when parsing the result of a batch submit. If not specified, the store's parseData setting will be used.

Outbox Methods

As discussed above, all data being sent to the server (e.g. as a result of a form submission) is queued through an outbox. This section describes the available functions for working with the outbox.


Updates the CSRF token that will be applied to outbox items when they are synced to the server. This should be updated whenever the user's authentication status changes. wq/app.js calls this function automatically.

outbox.save(data, [options], [noSend])

outbox.save() takes the form data as a simple JavaScript object (see above) and an optional options object, and creates an outbox item. Unless noSend is set to true, an attempt will be made immediately to sync the outbox item to the server.

The options object can have one or more of the following set:

name purpose
url URL to post to (relative to the base service URL). If unset, it is assumed that the base service URL can handle form submissions itself. wq/app.js will set this from the action of the submitted form.
modelConf The configuration for a corresponding model that should be updated when this item is synced. This is set automatically by wq/app.js by resolving the url to a configured model.
method HTTP method to use when posting the data (PUT, POST, etc.). The default is POST, but wq/app.js will automatically use PUT when updating an existing model model instance.
id The outbox id of a previous form submission that hasn't yet been synced. This option makes it possible to allow the user to review and edit outbox items before they are synced to the server. It can be set automatically by wq/app.js if data-wq-outbox-id is set on the <form>.
preserve A list of fields to preserve in the existing outbox item. This option can be used with id to avoid overwriting hard-to-set fields like file uploads and GPS coordinates. It can be automatically set by wq/app.js if data-wq-preserve is set on the <form>. See the Species Tracker code for an example.

outbox.save() returns a Promise that will resolve to the outbox item, after a sync attempt (or immediately, if noSend is set).

$form.submit(function() {
     var data = {};
     $form.serializeArray().forEach(function(field) {
         data[field.name] = field.value;
     outbox.save(data).then(function(item) {
         if (item.synced) {
             console.log("Item successfully synced!");
         } else {

outbox.sendItem(item, [once])

outbox.sendItem() submits a saved outbox item to the web service and returns a Promise that resolve to the updated item after it is processed by the web service. The outbox item will have a property synced that indicates whether the item successfully made it to the server, as well as a result property with the actual JSON data returned by the server. (These properties are assigned by the applyResult function, see ds.init() above). Any errors will be made available on item.error.

The optional once argument can be used to ensure that an outbox entry is only sent once. The default is to send it up to maxRetries times or until it succeeds.


outbox.sendAll() sends all pending items in the outbox to the server, except for those items that have previously been sent up to maxRetries times without success. retryAll can be specified to retry sending everything, including any repeatedly failing items. ds.sendBatch() will be used if a batch service is available, otherwise each item will be sent separately with ds.sendItem(). outbox.sendAll() returns a Promise that will resolve to an array of all of the items that were sent to the server. Each item can then be inspected individually to see the status (see sendItem() above).

outbox.sendBatch(callback, [retryAll])

outbox.sendBatch() sends all unsent items in the outbox to the server in a single request. The server needs to have an API capable of handling multiple requests in a single POST, and the URL for that API should have been provided to outbox.init() as the batchService option.


outbox.unsynced() returns a Promise that will resolve to the number of unsynced items in the outbox. The optional modelConf returns only the number of items that were saved with the specified model configuration set (see outbox.save()).


outbox.unsyncedItems() returns a Promise that resolves to an array containing any items in the outbox that haven't been synced yet.


outbox.pendingItems() returns a Promise that resolves to an array containing any unsyncedItems that haven't been sent at all (or at least haven't failed more than maxRetries times).