

wq version: 1.1 1.2/1.3
Docs > wq.app: Modules



wq/router.js is a wq.app module providing a convenient router API that overlays the jQuery Mobile page navigation system. wq/router.js supports offline page navigation by capturing URL changes and "responding" with locally-rendered HTML pages.

If you are using both wq.app and wq.db together, you may be interested in wq/app.js, a higher-level module that automatically registers the appropriate routes for applications via the wq configuration object. You should only need to use wq/router.js directly in the following cases:


wq/router.js is typically imported via AMD as router, though any local variable name can be used.

// myapp.js
define(['wq/router', ...], function(router, ...) {

The pages module provides the following methods and properties.


router.init(config) initializes the pages router with a base url and other configuration options. You should almost always call router.init() before registering any URLs, or the URL matching may not work as expected.

There are four available configuration options:

name purpose
base_url The root or "index" url of the website, minus any trailing slash. This is often an empty string if the website is running at the root of the domain. For apps running in PhoneGap/Cordova, this will be the path to the folder containing index.html.
tmpl404 The name of the template to use in router.notFound() The default is "404".
injectOnce Whether to render and inject templates once (true) or every time they are requested (false). The default is false.
debug When debug is active, each call to router.go() will be logged with template and context information.
// Basic usage (assumes application is at /)

// Custom usage (application is at /app/; custom 404 page)
    'base_url': "/app",
    'tmpl404': "notfound"

router.init() is automatically called from app.init().


The version of jQuery Mobile included with wq.app is customized to disable automatic initialization on startup. The purpose of this change is to make it easier to register custom routes before jQuery Mobile starts up, to ensure they are executed when it does. To start up jQuery mobile, call router.jqmInit() after calling router.init() and registering your custom routes.

router.jqmInit() is automatically called from app.jqmInit().


router.register() is used to register a new URL route with the application. When the user navigates to a URL added via router.register(), a callback function will be called instead of the default jQuery Mobile response (which loads the page from the server via AJAX).

router.register() takes up to four arguments, specified in order below.

name purpose
path A string containing a partial regular expression indicating the URL route / path to watch for. The path will be automatically prepended with the baseurl and appended with a regular expression that matches URL parameters. For convenience, any instances of the string <slug> will be converted to a regex group matching url fragments. (See the example below).
fn A callback function (or the name of a callback function if obj is specified). When a URL matches, the callback function will be called with the arguments listed below (see "Callback Arguments").
obj (Optional) An object that contains a callback function (used with a string fn).
prevent (Optional) Whether or not to prevent the default navigation action. Should be a boolean or a function that returns a boolean. If a function is given, it will be called with the first three callback arguments (see "Callback Arguments" below). The default prevent function returns true except for in a few edge cases around form handling.

The callback function for router.register() should almost always call router.go() with appropriate arguments as described below.

router.register('custompage/<slug>', function(match, ui, params) {
    var url = match[0], slug = match[1];
    var context = customContext(slug, params);
    router.go(url, "custompage", context, ui);


router.addRoute() is used to register custom behaviors in response to page events other than initial navigation. The most common use case is to customize a page after it rendered via the pageshow event. router.addRoute() is called internally by router.register().

router.addRoute() takes up to four arguments, specified in order below.

name purpose
path A string containing regular expression with the URL route to watch for. The path argument to addRoute() will undergo same transformations as those applied to register().
events The event codes(s) to which this route applies. Common choices are s (pageshow) and h (pagehide). The full list is described in the jQueryMobile-router documentation.
fn A callback function (or the name of a callback function if obj is specified). When a URL matches, the callback function will be called with the arguments listed below (see "Callback Arguments").
obj (Optional) An object that contains a callback function (used with a string fn).
router.addRoute('custompage/<slug>', 's', onShow);
function onShow(match, ui, params, hash, evt, $page) {

Callback Arguments

Callback functions provided to router.register() and router.addRoute() should take up to 6 arguments in the following order.

name purpose
match The results of the regex match. match[0] will be the entire matched url. If a <slug> is included in the path argument, match[1] will typically be the matched identifier.
ui A jQuery Mobile ui object describing options for the event.
params An object containing URL parameters, if any (e.g. ?name1=value1 will become {"name1": "value1"}.
hash A string containing anything after the hash (#)
evt The jQuery Mobile event
$page The <div data-role=page> that triggered the event, wrapped as a jQuery object for convenience. Not typically used with register().


router.go() is the primary rendering function in the pages module. router.go() takes a URL, a template, and a context object, renders and inserts HTML into the DOM, and displays the resulting page. router.go() is usually referenced within a callback provided to router.register(), though it can also be called directly. router.go() accepts up to 6 arguments, specified in order below. The first 3 arguments are required.

name purpose
path The URL path of the inserted page (relative to the base url). This will be displayed in the location bar if the browser supports the History.pushState API. For the best user experience, we recommend providing a server-rendered equivalent at the same URL.
template The name of a Mustache template to use. This should have previously been registered with wq/template.js, either directly or via wq/app.js.
context A context object to use with the template.
ui The jQuery Mobile ui object from the original navigation event, if applicable.
once If once is true (or if injectOnce is set in init()), the template will only be rendered if there isn't already a jQuery Mobile page with the same URL path. If false (the default), any existing page will be overwritten with contents from newly rendered template.
pageid If set, router.go() will use the specified pageid instead of the URL path when checking for existing jQuery Mobile pages.


router.info is automatically updated during each call to router.go(). router.info is also available as a default template variable, {{router_info}}. router.info has a number of properties that are useful in template rendering and navigation:

name purpose
path The path of the current page being rendered (relative to the base_url).
path_enc URL-encoded version of the path for use in e.g. other URLs.
params Any URL query parameters will be available as properties (e.g. "/path?filter=1" will be available as router.info.params.filter).
base_url The root url of the application, as passed to router.init().
full_path The root url and the path (concatenated for convenience).
full_path_enc URL-encoded version of the full path for use in e.g. other URLs.
prev_path The path of the previous page.
context The last context object passed to router.go(). Only available if debug is active.

For server rendering, wq.db includes a router_info context processor that mimics the client side template variable.


router.notFound(url) is a shortcut for router.go() that uses the pre-configured 404 template and a simple context of {"url": url}. It is leveraged by wq/app.js when items are not found in the local store.